The Programme
CAMELLIA is a 5-year programme funded by the Natural Environment Research Council which aims to develop solutions that will enable the required housing growth in London, whilst managing water and the environment.
It will do this by bringing together engineering, urban planning, and socio-economic experts with governmental and planning authorities, industry, developers and citizens to work together to understand the communal perception of the water system, its challenges and common goals.
The programme’s innovative environmental science, tools for decision-making and approaches to building deeper engagement of London’s citizens will maximise the effectiveness of water management decisions to support sustainable growth in London. We want to facilitate a more integrated water management by developing novel methods and visualisation tools that help people see how London’s water cycle fits together, how it affects them and how they, in turn, affect it.
Focus areas
The effectiveness of the CAMELLIA approach and the tools developed will be demonstrated in four case study areas focussing on:
Flood risk and water quality (Enfield)
- Housing development (Thamesmead)
Water infrastructure regeneration (Mogden, Thames Water’s wastewater treatment works for West London)
Urban renewal (Southwark)
Integrated water management for policy and decision-making (Greater London)
Water infrastructure regeneration (Mogden, Thames Water's wastewater treatment works for West London)
- Flood risk and water quality (Enfield)
Housing development (Thamesmead)
Urban renewal (Southwark)
Integrated water management for policy and decision-making (Greater London)