The value of water is a thread that weaves throughout the CAMELLIA programme. We have worked alongside residents and local communities at the Kipling Estate and Walworth Community Gardens to both co-design & retrofit new and existing gardens. We have developed the Kipling calculator to help determine how much water is needed to irrigate plants, thus helping to reduce water waste.
One of the outcomes from meeting with a community group in Enfield was learning just how highly they valued their local river and in particular their concern over its water quality. In fact, our research has shown that water quality is a concern for communities and citizens across the city. Therefore, we are pleased to be advising Philip Dunne MP on his Private Members Sewage (Inland Waters) Bill and are delighted to have the support & backing of our stakeholders in protecting our rivers and waterways.
At CAMELLIA we also co-design and develop products that work ‘behind the scenes’, - tools and models such as the water data explorer, CityWat and a systems-dynamic thinking approach which are used to help local people, communities & stakeholders (e.g., water industry, NGOs & local authorities) understand water data, so that they can influence decision-making and in-turn design and improve the natural environment.
The value of nature (including blue green space) has become even more essential in the last year. During the lockdown in the UK and across the world it has become clear just how important blue and green spaces are to people’s health and wellbeing and the vital role they play in all our lives. We are delighted that the work that we do at CAMELLIA can protect our valuable local water resources and natural environment.
Written by Sharon Russell-Verma
Impact Manager